Feature Spotlight: Text-To-Speech (TTS) in QR.EASY
🔊 🗣 QR.EASY Speaks 38 different languages. Easily . 📹 Video Demonstration Below As we draw closer to the multi-platform launch of the QR.EASY application, I have decided to talk a little bit more about one of the most important features in the application aside from encoding and decoding QR data: The Text-To-Speech (TTS) feature. The TTS feature in QR. EASY allows the you the end user to voice out any string of text in the text box with the touch of a button. In 38 languages too . It's so easy . This feature is considered to be a vital to the functionality of QR. EASY because it : - Caters to those who are classed as disabled, e.g. visually impaired . This feature can really help disabled people decipher decoded messages especially with them not having to worry about so many different menus. - Makes it easy to check the integrity and pronunciation of words that have been typed into the text box. - Gives you an opportunity to multi-task: You ca...