

BREAKING NEWS !    Yes it is true . . . The rumours that you might have heard ? Are actually true. Emperortech Limited will be closing its doors for good, and all intellectual properties (IP's) currently being developed under the company will now be moving to a new home. The decision to close down the company was reached earlier this year after a company and IP review. The results from the review were simple:  All IP's currently under Emperortech Limited could be doing much better under a much more conducive development environment seeing as the current environment (which is where Emperortech Limited was founded) is simply not progressive or conducive to the growth of these properties.  The future was not looking promising for any growth prospects, and something needed to be done to change that. The review concluded that the current development environment was stifling the growth of these intellectual properties , and was even costing the company a lot in the process...

M2LBA Alpha - UI Recap

  M2LBA User Interface (Alpha) Just before I begin the system migration process, I thought It would be a good idea to briefly recap what end users should expect for the user interface of the current development version of  Mega Mixable Live: Baltica (M2LBA) Alpha , and how it differs from the M2L titles on the market. This has been discussed here too: Yes, it is true that M2LBA draws its inspiration from the codebase of M2L. However, the intention was not just to create something that was an artistic variant, but also to add new functionality where necessary. As a result of that, I arrived at what I'm calling the ' Alpha ' version of the deck interface, as I feel that this will serve as a foundation to further changes before release. Based on the image above, we will now explore the current UI following the numbers: 1)  HUD Section:  The HUD ( Heads-up Display ) for the M2LBA deck looks significantly different from what we've seen in M2L. It now adopts a minimalistic...

Where is M2LBA (Mega Mixable Live: Baltica) ?

  Where is M2LBA (Mega Mixable Live: Baltica) ? Good day readers ! Seasons greetings to you all 🥳🎉 Some of you might be asking yourselves the question:  "  Where is M2LBA ?  " , as this title was announced on the 29th February 2024 via this  blog post . Well ask no more, as this blog post will provide an update on the development of the much anticipated adaptation of the original M2L application. M2LBA is doing fine, and as of the middle of last year, was at  45% complete . However, due to many commitments that go beyond application development, there was an inevitable delay that led to a news blackout on the progress of development of the title.  Furthermore, I was putting together funds to purchase a new windows development system, which was to replace my current system ( was beginning to show signs of wear and tear ). All these factors combined led to the inevitable delay.  I'd like to use this as an opportunity to first of all  apologis...

QR.EASY (Free) fall 2024 update !

  QR.EASY (Free) fall 2024 update ! 📥📲 Please click on a badge below to download the app from your preferred app store: 🛈📲Notice: Remember to enable permissions after downloading the QR.EASY app to ensure that all features are fully functional. Visit this link 👉  here for a tutorial on how to enable permissions on your device (scroll down to SECTION 5 ). ------------------------------------------------------------------ QR.EASY V22 (17.12.2024) - For the first time in the history of the app, QR.EASY (free) is now available to Amazon App Store users. - QR.EASY beta is over: What this means is that the free and Pro versions will no longer be functionally identical (Pro version will have full features and no adverts). - UI remapping: The user interface has been remapped & tweaked to reflect the changes between the free and pro versions. Here are the features of the free version: 1) Aggression Levels: 0 & 1 2) ( i ) Button: Will lead you to the contacts page whe...

QR.EASY Pro fall 2024 update !

  QR.EASY Pro fall 2024 update 📥📲 Please click on a badge below to download the app from your preferred app store: While news on the QR.EASY front has been relatively quiet ( with the last update levelling the feature set between the free and pro versions ), this update brings about quite a few changes to the pro version. As you're probably already aware, the pro version of the app is fully featured with no adverts or subscription payments. The 'one-time' cost of the app is a life-time license. This presents a huge bargain to end users who want an efficient and very fast QR Code reader and generator with a few innovative features incorporated ( e.g. Text-to-speech functionality ). QR.EASY Pro will still continue the tradition of giving end users a high quality experience at an unbelievable bargain. Moving forward, end users who wish to have the full QR.EASY experience will need to upgrade from the free to the pro version . The decision to make the free and pro versions fu...

June 2024 Update 📅 🔼

  June 2024 Update Dear Readers, It has certainly been a while, which is why I've decided to provide you with some development updates today. Everyone hates delays. And so do I. But in the world of software and application development, delays are very common and in majority of cases exist to provide more development time to produce a much higher quality end product.  End of May 2024 was initially meant to be the release date for M2L Baltica . However due to delays, this release window has now been pushed back to later this year.  I'd like to apologize to those who have been waiting for an update on M2L Baltica, and can assure you that everything is looking beautiful at this point in time ( way beyond what I originally planned ).  So please stay tuned for a specific update on that title. At this point in time, I'd like to shift our focus towards apps that are already available for you to at this point in time and provide updates on what's going on. QR.EASY, QR.EASY P...

Preview 02 🎵: We have a visual

  Preview 02 🎵: We have a visual Dear readers, preview 02 of Mega Mixable Live Baltica (M2LBA) is now live. Please visit for more information. See how the M2LBA decks looks for the first time (alpha) ! 🎉🥳 ø§ Emperortech Limited